Vesna Jaksic Lowe

Country: United States of America
Category: Arts & Culture
Vesna Jaksic Lowe is a writer whose work has appeared in three books, newspapers such as The New York Times and the Washington Post, and literary journals. Vesna, who grew up in Dubrovnik and now lives outside of New York, mostly writes creative nonfiction about her immigrant experience, and runs the Immigrant Strong online newsletter. She has also taught classes on immigrant writing. Her honors include the Parent-Fellow Prize from Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing’s Institute. Vesna also writes for non-profits in the human rights and social justice space and has completed projects for the Brennan Center for Justice, Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Inter-Parliamentary Union, and PEN America, among others.
She started her career as a newspaper reporter, winning 12 awards from the Society of Professional Journalists, a Special Achievement Award for immigration coverage, and an international fellowship from Internews. She has an M.S. in International Affairs from The New School and a B.A. in Communications from Hofstra University, which she attended on a Division I tennis scholarship.

Država: Sjedinjene Američke Države
Kategorija: Kultura i Umjetnost
Vesna Jakšić Lowe je spisatejica čiji rad je objavljen u tri knjige, u novinama kao New York Times i Washington Post, i časopisima literature u Americi. Vesna, koja je odrasla u Dubrovniku, a živi izvan New Yorka, uglavnom piše o svom iskustvu kao imigrant, i vodi online časopis Immigrant Strong. Vesna također piše za organizacije za ljudska prava i socijalnu pravdu, kao što su Brennan Center for Justice, Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Inter-Parliamentary Union, i PEN America. Vesna je počela svoju karijeru kao novinarka tijekom koje je osvojila 12 nagrada od Society of Professional Journalists. Diplomirala je komunikacije na Hofstra University, a magistrirala studij međunarodnih odnosa na fakultetu The New School.

País: Estados Unidos de América
Categoría: Arte y Cultura
Vesna Jaksic Lowe es una escritora cuyo trabajo ha aparecido en tres libros, periódicos como *The New York Times* y *The Washington Post*, y revistas literarias. Vesna, quien creció en Dubrovnik y ahora vive en las afueras de Nueva York, escribe principalmente ensayos de no ficción creativa sobre su experiencia como inmigrante y dirige el boletín en línea **Immigrant Strong**. También ha impartido clases sobre escritura para inmigrantes. Sus reconocimientos incluyen el **Parent-Fellow Prize** del Instituto de Escritura Creativa de Martha’s Vineyard. Además, Vesna escribe para organizaciones sin fines de lucro en los ámbitos de derechos humanos y justicia social, y ha realizado proyectos para el **Brennan Center for Justice**, la **Carnegie Corporation of New York**, la **Unión Interparlamentaria** y **PEN America**, entre otros. Comenzó su carrera como reportera de periódicos, obteniendo 12 premios de la Sociedad de Periodistas Profesionales, un Premio de Logro Especial por su cobertura sobre inmigración y una beca internacional de **Internews**. Vesna tiene una maestría en Asuntos Internacionales de *The New School* y una licenciatura en Comunicaciones de *Hofstra University*, donde asistió con una beca de tenis de la División I.

Published on 11/26/2024