Prim. Dr. Sc. Spomenka Tomek – Roksandić, MD

Category: Science & TechnologyCountry: Republic of Croatia

Spomenka specializes in social medicine for geriatric preventative healthcare management. She is responsible for numerous gerontology and healthcare management innovations. She and her collaborators: established a new paradigm for the development of a program for active, healthy aging; developed a program of home care for the elderly, the Gerontorological Center which incepted a new occupation, the geronto-housekeeper. Centers which now exist in virtually all Croatian counties. She is the publisher, editor and co-editor of 10 gerontological books, as well as some 250 papers on gerontology and geriatrics, which are included in CROSBI; and wrote the first university book on early detection of Alzheimers. Spomenka served as Head of the Reference Center for Healthcare of the Elderly in the Ministry of Health Care of the Republic of Croatia (2002–2018). It was here that she lead an interdisciplinary team in divising a Health Care Program outlining rules and procedures for the advancing of health care protection and the improvement of geriatric health care, geronto-kinesiology, geronto-anthropology, geronto-dentistry, geronto-nutrition geronto-technology and health-tourism for the elderly. Importantly, her team developed an innovative digital system (GeroS / CEZIH / SELFIE, (2014)) of shared health and social care information to facilitate the monitoring and evaluation of the elderly.

Published on 08/28/2022