Mateja-Angelina Kramar

Country: Croatia
Category: Leadership & Innovation
CEO, Green Fusion – the first Croatian stock exchange for investing in ecological projects – Eco Stock Market Sales and marketing manager, In Wood sustainable mobile houses – for production of mobile houses. President and Founder of “Plant a tree, don’t be a stump!”- national tree planting campaign

Mateja-Anđelina Kramar is a project manager and consultant for sustainable financing, owner of Green Fusion, the first Croatian stock exchange for investing in green and social transition, stands out as a passionate advocate of sustainability and environmental protection through innovative approaches to creative entrepreneurship. She is a single mother of four children. Angelina is also the manager of the national project “Plant a tree, don’t be a stump!”, in addition to all of the above, she holds the role of sales and marketing manager in the family company “InWood sustainable mobile homes”. With extensive experience in socially responsible business, sustainable development and permaculture environmental design, Angelina strives for a holistic approach to solving the challenges of the business environment, taking into account the sustainability of green investments. Aware of the importance of contributing to the community and the world through the development of new ideas and innovations, she redesigns the environment by redesigning the destructive habits of people. Activist and entrepreneurial activities help her in her personal and spiritual development, and her emotions as a mother are a response to the society in which she wants to raise her children.

Država: Hrvatska
Kategorija: Znanost
Savjetnica za društvene i ekološke projekte
Vlasnica i direktorica, Green Fusion

Voditeljica i savjetnica projekata za održivo financiranje, vlasnica Green Fusion-a, odnosno prve hrvatske burze za investiranje u zelenu i društvenu tranziciju, ističe se kao strastvena zagovornica održivosti i zaštite okoliša kroz inovativne pristupe kreativnom poduzetništvu. Ona je samohrana majka četvero djece, a njeno ime je Mateja-Anđelina Kramar. Angelina je također voditeljica nacionalnog projekta “Zasadi stablo, ne budi panj!”, uz sve navedeno, obnaša ulogu voditelja prodaje i marketinga u obiteljskoj tvrtci “InWood sustainable mobile homes”. Sa bogatim iskustvom u društveno odgovornom poslovanju, održivom razvoju i permakulturnom dizajniranju okoliša, Angelina teži holističkom pristupu rješavanju izazova poslovnog okruženja, uzimajući u obzir održivost zelenih ulaganja. Svjesna važnosti doprinosa zajednici i svijetu kroz razvoj novih ideja i inovacija redizajnira okoliš zajedno redizajnirajući destruktivne navike ljudi. Aktivističko i poduzetno djelovanje joj pomaže u osobnom i duhovnom razvoju, a njene emocije kao majke su odgovor na društvo u kojem želi odgajati djecu.

País: Croata
Categoría: TLiderazgo e Innovación
Consultora de proyectos sociales y ambientales.
Propietaria y directora, Green Fusion

Mateja-Anđelina Kramar es director de proyectos y consultor en financiación sostenible, propietario de Green Fusion, es decir, la primera bolsa croata para invertir en transición verde y social, destaca como un apasionado defensor de la sostenibilidad y la protección del medio ambiente a través de enfoques innovadores para el emprendimiento creativo. Es madre soltera de cuatro hijos. Angelina también es responsable del proyecto nacional “¡Planta un árbol, no seas un tocón!”, además de todo lo anterior, ocupa el cargo de responsable de ventas y marketing en la empresa familiar “InWood casas móviles sostenibles”. Con amplia experiencia en negocios socialmente responsables, desarrollo sostenible y diseño ambiental de permacultura, Angelina se esfuerza por lograr un enfoque holístico para resolver los desafíos del entorno empresarial, teniendo en cuenta la sostenibilidad de las inversiones verdes. Consciente de la importancia de contribuir a la comunidad y al mundo a través del desarrollo de nuevas ideas e innovaciones, rediseña juntos el medio ambiente rediseñando los hábitos destructivos de las personas. Las actividades activistas y emprendedoras la ayudan en su desarrollo personal y espiritual, y sus emociones como madre son una respuesta a la sociedad en la que quiere criar a sus hijos.

Published on 11/28/2023