Martina Peranović

Category: AthleticsCountry: Republic of Croatia

Secretary, Croatian Para Taekwondo Alliance

Martina Peranović is the first officially certified Para taekwondo teacher in Croatia (a sport for children with disabilities and intellectual disabilities). She is the author of the world’s only book, Introduction to Para Taekwondo and as a secretary of the Croatian Para taekwondo Alliance promotes sensibility for people with disabilities and their affirmation in Para taekwon-do, which has been recognized worldwide for years. Thanks to Martina, this unique sport is receiving more and more attention as it contributes to the general health, especially the mental health of those with disabilities, but also to their family and community integration. Although she is a single mother of four, she treats each child with disabilities as her own and strives to include them in the Para taekwondo program, with great success, to the best of their ability. Her athletes have won almost all world and European medals in the last three years and have qualified for the Olympics, thanks primarily to Martini’s dedication, expertise and empathy. In the world of Para taekwondo, Martina’s name is internationally synony-mous with success and sports integration of all individuals with developmental disabilities.

Published on 08/28/2022