S. Anđelita Šokić

Sister Anđelita Šokić belongs to the religious community of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ, based in Zagreb. She was the Curator of the Museum of the Blessed Aloysius Stepinac until Fall 2016 when she was relocated to Australia. Born in the village of Vidovice, Bosanska Posavina,Bosnia-Herzegovina she felt the call to a service of faith from an early age and entered the monastery when she was only 16. After the renewed of her first vows, s. Anđelita was stationed in Australia where she completed a degree in pedagogy, and then worked at the Catholic school for the next 13 years. She returned to Croatia in the midst of the Homeland War in 1992 where she remained until 2016. During that time, she took on many roles in the Croatian Catholic Centre and the Zagreb Archdiocese in the offices of auxiliary bishops and vicars general (until 2003). In the early 2004 she started working at the museum of the Blessed Aloysius Stepinac where she served with lots of dedication and affection until September 2016.