Patricia Avila Kuljiš

Category: Arts & CultureCountry: Bolivia

President, Croatian community of La Paz, Bolivia Chair, Board of Directors, Reforma Construcciones

Patricia Avila Kuljiš graduated with the highest honors from the high school Colegio Sagrados Corazones. She holds undergraduate degrees in architecture and the arts from the University of Mayor de San Andrés with specialized studies in heritage conservation, ballet, piano, decoration, risk management, gourmet cooking and painting techniques. Professionally, she is the Manager of the unit of planning and control and the Director of construction and services of the Autonomous Municipal Government of La Paz. Patricia is a member of the permanent jury of the website of the international photographer’s association and the theatre festival Indivisa Manent. As President of the Croatian Community, she is a tireless promoter of Croatian culture through numerous activities reported on by local and international media. She is the administrator of the Comu-nidad Croata de la paz Bolivia, Comunidades Croatas de La paz Bolivia, Clases de Cocina Croata, Ciudadanía Croata y Antiguas fotografías Croatas de Bolivia websites.

Published on 08/28/2022