Karmen Meić

Category: Arts & Culture
President, Croatian cultural, artistic and sports community Berlin
Karmen Meić is the president of the Croatian cultural, artistic and sports community Berlin, one of the oldest Croatian communities in Europe. With her initiatives, she has revitalized this dwindling association. Karmen was born in Šibenik, where for more than twenty years she was an entrepreneur, owner of flower shops, and active in artisan associations. When she replaced beautiful Šibenik and the view of the Adriatic with the German capital and the view of the river Spree in 2015, she also met expats, became actively involved in the work of the Croatian community, founded the “Lastavice” vocal ensemble, and assumed management responsibilities. Karmen also connected with and introduced the Croatian Women’s Network™/Croatian Women’s Network to community, began working with the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia and the Central State Office for Croats Abroad among others. Karmen continues to work with flowers as a freelancer, arranging interiors and various stages. She works as a housekeeper in the residence of the German president. In her free time, she does her best to promote the culture and traditions of the Croatian people and to be a bridge to all those who are looking for help, cooperation and a a bit of their homeland. Karmen is in her second term as the head of the Croatian cultural, artistic and sports community Berlin.
Država: Njemačka
Kategorija: Kultura i umjetnost
Predsjednica Hrvatske kulturno-umjetničke i sportske zajednice Berlin
Karmen Meić je predsjednica Hrvatske kulturno-umjetničke i sportske zajednice Berlin, jedne od najstarijih hrvatskih zajednica u Europi. Svojim je djelovanjem dala novi vjetar u leđa ovom udruženju. Karmen je rođena u Šibeniku gdje je više od dvadeset godina bila poduzetnica, vlasnica cvjetnih salona, te aktivna u udruženjima obrtnika. Kad je lijepi Šibenik i pogled na more 2015. godine zamijenila njemačkim glavnim gradom i pogledom na rijeku Spree, dogodio se i njen susret s iseljenicima, aktivno uključenje u rad zajednice, osnivanje Vokalnog sastava „Lastavice“, preuzimanje rukovodeće odgovornosti, povezivanje s Croatian Women’s Network™/Mrežom hrvatskih žena, Veleposlanstvom Republike Hrvatske, Središnjim državnim uredom za Hrvate izvan domovine itd. Karmen i dalje kao freelenser radi s cvijećem, uređuje njime interijere i pozornice. Radi i kao domaćica u rezidenciji njemačkog predsjednika. A u slobodno vrijeme daje sve od sebe, što više i bolje promicati kulturu i tradiciju hrvatskoga naroda, biti most svima koji traže pomoć, suradnju i djelić domovine. Karmen je u drugom mandatu na čelu Hrvatske kulturno-umjetničke i sportske zajednice Berlin.
País: Alemania
Categoría: Arte y cultura
Presidente, comunidad cultural, artística y deportiva croata Berlín
Karmen Meić es el presidente de la comunidad cultural, artística y deportiva croata de Berlín, una de las comunidades croatas más antiguas de Europa. Con sus acciones, puso un nuevo aire detrás de esta asociación. Karmen nació en Šibenik, donde durante más de veinte años fue empresaria, propietaria de salones de flores y activa en asociaciones artesanales. Cuando reemplazó la hermosa Šibenik y la vista del mar con la capital alemana y la vista del río Spree en 2015, también conoció a expatriados, se involucró activamente en el trabajo de la comunidad, fundó el conjunto vocal “Lastavice”, asumió responsabilidades de gestión, conectado con la Red de Mujeres Croatas™/Red de Mujeres Croatas, la Embajada de la República de Croacia, la Oficina Estatal Central para Croatas en el Extranjero, etc. Karmen continúa trabajando con flores como autónoma, organizando interiores y escenarios con ellas. También trabaja como ama de llaves en la residencia del presidente alemán. Y en su tiempo libre, hace todo lo posible para promover la cultura y las tradiciones del pueblo croata tanto y mejor como sea posible, para ser un puente para todos aquellos que buscan ayuda, cooperación y un pedazo de su tierra natal. Karmen está en su segundo mandato al frente de la comunidad cultural, artística y deportiva croata de Berlín.