Ivana Rora

Head of Marketing and PR/Voditeljica za Marketing i PR
Hrvatska matica iseljenika/Croatian Heritage Foundatio

Ivana Rora voditeljica marketinga i odnosa s javnošću u Hrvatskoj matici iseljenika. Komunikologinja koja dugi niz godina radi na organizaciji projekata s Hrvatima izvan RH te uspostavljanja dobrih komunikacijskih kanala i mreža izvan domovine. Po struci specijalist komunikologije i novinar Ivana je iznimno aktivno pratila rad hrvatskih zajednica diljem svijeta te pronosila važnost povezanosti domovinske i iseljene Hrvatske. Bila je urednica Doma i svijeta, prvog i jedinog tjednog priloga za Hrvate izvan RH koji izlazio kao inozemno izdanje Večernjeg lista, novinar u više redakcija koje su pratile tu tematiku a zadnjih godina uspješno vodi Odjel za marketing i odnose s javnošću koji podupire i organizira mnoge projekte izvan RH. Aktivna je i u Hrvatskom svjetskom kongresu te je bila nekoliko godina ravnateljica Domovinskog sjedišta i dio organizacijskog tima Hrvatskih svjetskih igara mladih Hrvata izvan RH.

Ivana Rora is the Head of Marketing and PR Department at the Croatian Heritage Foundation. She is a communications expert who has been working on organising projects with Croats outside the Republic of Croatia and on establishing good communication channels and networks outside of Croatia for many years. Ivana, a communications specialist and journalist by profession, has been particularly active in following the work of Croatian communities worldwide and promoting the importance of the connection between the homeland and the Croatian diaspora. She was the editor of Dom i svijet, the first and only weekly insert for Croats outside the Republic of Croatia, published in the foreign edition of the Večernji list newspaper, and a journalist in several newsrooms covering that topic. In recent years, she has successfully led the Marketing and PR Department that supports and organizes many projects outside the Republic of Croatia. She is also active in the Croatian World Congress, and for several years, she was the Director of the Homeland Headquarters and part of the organizational team of the Croatian World Games for young Croats outside the Republic of Croatia.

Published on 11/02/2022