Dr. Nela Sršen
Category: PhilanthropyCountry: Italy

Dr. Nela Sršen was born in Metković, attended high school in Split and studied medicine at the Faculty of Medicine in Padua where she completed an accelerated graduation. She began her career in the ER in Treviso and continued in the Padua hospital. Following her specialization in New York, she became the youngest member of the liver transplant team under Prof. David D’Amica, the most highly respected Italian surgeon at the University Hospital of Padua. On the recommendation of then Croatian president Stjepan Mesic, Ms. Sršen was appointed Honorary Consul of the Republic of Croatia in the region of Veneto, Italy in July 2004. As founder and president of the humanitarian organization “Croatian House”, she currently leads a project of buying a house in Padua that would accommodate Croatian citizens undergoing difficult and often long-term medical treatments in a foreign country. She was awarded a Gold Heart conferred by the 91. Association of Croatian War Veterans (UHBDR91.), and the Zagreb Fair Association of Croatian War Veterans, in cooperation with other associations of the Homeland War. Moreover, following the recommendation of numerous veterans associations and individuals Nela was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize!