Antun (Tonči) Krešimir Buterin
Voditelj marketinga, Hikvision Europe (Adriatic and Malta)
Predsjednik Udruge Meeting G2
Antun Krešimir Buterin godine 2014. dolazi u Kongresni centar FORUM Zagreb na mjesto voditelja marketinga i prodaje. U proljeće 2015. pozvan je u međunarodno priznatu korporaciju Hikvision, najvećeg svjetskog proizvođača videonadzornih kamera i sigurnosne opreme. Dvije godine kasnije napredovao je od voditelja poslovnog razvoja za Hrvatsku, Sloveniju i BiH do voditelja marketinga za Jadransku regiju i Maltu. Sve do 2021. bio je jedini Hrvat među više od 40.000 zaposlenih u ovom kineskom tehnološkom divu, koji danas ima preko 58.000 zaposlenih diljem svijeta. Kao volonter od samih početaka 2015. aktivno sudjeluje u stvaranju svih dosadašnjih konferencija Meeting G2 koje su usmjerene na poslovno povezivanje domovinske i iseljene Hrvatske, a godine 2019. odabran je za predsjednika istoimene udruge Meeting G2. Udruga je 2023. godine svoju 9. konferenciju održala u Sisku, želeći hrvatskoj dijaspori diljem svijeta približiti poslovne potencijale toga predivngog kraja nastradalog i u Domovinskom ratu i u katastrofalnom potresu 2020.
In 2014, Antun Krešimir Buterin joined the FORUM Zagreb Congress Center as the head of marketing and sales. In the spring of 2015, he was invited to the internationally recognized corporation Hikvision, the world’s largest manufacturer of video surveillance cameras and security equipment. Two years later he progressed from business development manager for Croatia, Slovenia and BiH to marketing manager for the Adriatic region and Malta. Until 2021, he was the only Croat among more than 40,000 employees at this Chinese technology giant, which today has over 58,000 employees worldwide. As a volunteer from the very beginning in 2015, he actively participates in the creation of all the Meeting G2 conferences to date, which are aimed at building business connections between the native and expatriate Croatia, and in 2019 he was chosen as the president of the Meeting G2 association of the same name. In 2023, the association held its 9th conference in Sisak, bringing the Croatian diaspora closer to the business potential of that wonderful region that suffered both in the Homeland War and in the catastrophic earthquake of 2020.
En 2014, Antun Krešimir Buterin llegó al Centro de Congresos FORUM Zagreb como director de marketing y ventas. En la primavera de 2015, fue invitado a la corporación Hikvision, reconocida internacionalmente, el mayor fabricante del mundo de cámaras de videovigilancia y equipos de seguridad. Dos años después Pasó de director de desarrollo empresarial para Croacia, Eslovenia y Bosnia y Herzegovina a director de marketing para la región del Adriático y Malta. Hasta 2021, era el único croata entre los más de 40.000 empleados de este gigante tecnológico chino, que hoy cuenta con más de 58.000 empleados en todo el mundo. Como voluntario desde el principio en 2015, participa activamente en la creación de todas las conferencias Meeting G2 anteriores, que tienen como objetivo las conexiones comerciales entre croatas nativos y expatriados, y en 2019 fue elegido presidente de la asociación Meeting G2. del mismo nombre. En 2023, la asociación celebró su novena conferencia en Sisak, con el objetivo de acercar a la diáspora croata de todo el mundo al potencial empresarial de esa maravillosa región que sufrió tanto en la Guerra Patria como en el catastrófico terremoto de 2020.