Ana Ganza
An award-winning poet, author, educator, inspirational speaker, and a global activist for justice and peace.
Ana Ganza is a graduate of University of Zagreb (M. Econ.) and University of Toronto (B Ed. Bachelor of Education and Honour Specialist in Economics), and a specialist in theology. A prominent Croatian, Ana is an award-winning poet, author, educator, inspirational speaker, and a global activist for justice and peace. Ana has published three books and numerous works, most notably Journey of Hope, authorized by Mother Teresa focused on Ana’s experience as a volunteer in Mother Teresa’s Order of Missionaries of Charity, in Calcutta, India, and her prayers and personal conversations with Mother (summer, 1996). Ana has taught economics, theology and english, at a Catholic high school, and Croatian Language courses for over thirty years. She was instrumental in introducing the Croatian International Credit Course as a High School credit, in Ontario (1988). She has inspired generations of students, and the teachers and professors whom she has mentored. Ana is the recipient of several educational and charitable awards, both, from the Canadian and Croatian organizations, and the Croatian and Canadian Governments. Ana Ganza is the mother of three sons and is a tireless promoter of Croatian language and culture.