Ana Marija Frković
Voditeljica Službe za pravni položaj, kulturu i obrazovanje hrvatskog iseljeništva
Središnji Državni Ured za Hrvate izvan Republike Hrvatske/Central State Office for Croats Abroad. /
Head of the Service for Legal Status, Culture and Education of the Croatian Diaspora
Central State Office for Croats Living Abroad
Ana Marija Frković moved to Zagreb, Croatia in 1993 from Mississauga, Canada after completing an Honours Political Science Degree at the University of Western Ontario. She has worked in various positions in the Croatian State Administration over the past 25 years. Starting in the State Office for European Integration and later in the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs. She also worked in the Office of the Chief Negotiator to the European Union and seven years in the Office of the President of the Republic of Croatia. She was the Operations Manager of the UNDP Office in Croatia from 2007-2013. Ana Marija recently joined the Central State Office for Croats Abroad as Head of the Service for Legal Status, Culture and Education of the Croatian Diaspora. She is a mother of three daughters.